Hemodialysis in Spain: Services and Collaboration with a major international company

Hemodialysis is a blood purification procedure that is usually performed on patients with severe kidney disease or insufficient kidney function. During the procedure, the patient's blood is pumped through a device called a dialyzer, which removes unnecessary substances, such as toxins, excessive salt, and extra fluid. The purified blood is then returned back to the patient's body.
The hemodialysis procedure typically requires visiting a hospital or dialysis center three times a week, and each session lasts from three to five hours. This is a lifeline for people whose kidneys can no longer cope with their task of purifying the blood.
Peritoneal dialysis is an alternative dialysis method that patients can perform themselves at home. Instead of a machine to purify blood, the patient's own abdominal cavity is used as a filter during peritoneal dialysis.
We collaborate with a large international company specializing in hemodialysis, which has 58 centers located in Barcelona and Costa Dorada, Madrid, Valencia, and Alicante, Andalusia, Tenerife, and other cities. In the aforementioned regions, the company provides home dialysis service. Apart from standard dialysis, peritoneal dialysis is also performed.
To make a session reservation, the patient needs to:
Provide the results of recent serology conducted at least 30 days before the expected first session in Spain.
Medical report.
Deposit the amount equal to the cost of planned sessions. The average cost of a dialysis session is 300 euros (payment on site is possible in exceptional cases).
In case the patient is a carrier of hepatitis B or C, they are referred to a specialized center in a separate room for patients with the corresponding disease.